DICA CULTURAL - Africa day - DUBLIN Sunday 16th May from 12 noon to 7pm

Essa è para quem procura por um evento ao ar livre em Dublin. No domingo proximo 16 de maio, no Iveagh Garden, teremos o Africa Day. Um dia para celebrar toda a historia, cultura e muita musica vinda do continente negro. Estivemos la ano passado e foi sensacional. Pessoas de todas as cores, culturas e credos reunidas para escutar boa musica e mais. Comida, bebida (sim, cerveja) e musica ao ar livre, para fugir um pouco do dia-a-dia de pubs fechados. A nearfm e nos estaremos la entrrevsitando e distribuindo brindes. Para maiores informacoes conecte no site www.africaday.ie/dublin.

Africa Day Dublin will take place in the Iveagh Gardens (just off Harcourt Street, Dublin 2) on Sunday 16th May from 12 noon to 7pm (for directions and map to the Iveagh Gardens, click here).

Irish Aid has chosen a food-related theme for its Africa Day celebrations in 2010, with a particular focus on issues such as food security and hunger.

The flagship Africa Day event in Dublin will be a fun, family-friendly day out, featuring interactive cultural and educational activities for both children and adults that celebrate and showcase the diversity of African cultures and societies.

Upon arrival at the Iveagh Gardens, visitors will be greeted by the sights, sounds and smells of Africa. The African Bazaar will be a hub of activity, showcasing the food, music and unique cultures of over 20 different African countries. In the Education Zone, visitors will be able to interact with development NGOs and learn more about their work in Africa and development issues through participatory, fun activities.

If you are looking for traditional African food and drinks, visit the Food Zone, where a wide variety of food – from all regions of Africa – will be on offer throughout the day. There will also be cooking demonstrations, during which well-known African and Irish chefs will showcase their favourite African cooking styles.

Music will once again be a key feature of Africa Day, with performances from high-profile African and Irish acts on the Main Stage. A new feature at this year’s flagship event will be the Music Tent, which will feature interactive workshops over the course of the day, where visitors to Africa Day will have the chance to meet and interact directly with the featured performers, as well as try out traditional African instruments, dances and musical styles. Stage Two – adjacent to the African Bazaar – will feature rap, hip-hop and African dance music over the course of the day.

For further information on the line-up and programme of activities for Africa Day Dublin 2010, click on the links on the left-hand side of this page.

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Re_Schelela said...

Eiii meus senhores!!!! Parece que gostei de estar com vcs!!! hahahahahah Valeu pela oportunidade hein!!! Aquele beijo e ate a proxima (se tiver) kkkkkkkkkkkkkk FICA A DICA COLEGAS!!!