Para quem perdeu e quer conferir o último programa do ano:
Programa 29 Dezembro de 2010
Flagrantes das ruas de Dublin
As ruas de Dublin, como qualquer outra grande cidade muita coisa acontece, entre elas situações engraçadas e outras nem tanto, se voçe tem algum flagrante que acha interessante, envie pra gente, o endereço de correio eltronico é, confira os tres primeiros flagrantes:
The Christmas just passed and everyone starts to prepare to another party, and now, the big one, which is full of hope and wishes of a better time, whether at work, whether in the family, be in the love, and to help all these things happen, there is nothing better than start with a special dinner. In Brazil, in the traditional New Year´s Dinner we can find foods, which have special meanings and help, who believes, that you have a incredible new year. Let´s go check it out som of these foods:
First of all, the New Year´s Dinner is an abundance of food of many kinds tastes and flavors, It´s symbolizes that how you expect happiness and good moments in the new time.

On the table, you´ll find the RICE, that simbolizes the seed of the abundance, the wealth and the fertility.
The LENTILS are a sign of good luck, for some people, it should be the first food to

The POMEGRANATE is another symbol of


To Drink, the official New Year´s Drink is without doubt the Champagne, a symbol of success an happy events.
So, we hope these foods brings to you all the best in this New Year.
Perdeu o voo?? e agora...
E ai intercambistas, how are ya???
entao, como todos sabem, a irlanda teve os aeroportos fechados pela nevasca. Nao so Dublin, mas muitos paises da europa. Hoje, tava lendo o irish times vi uma materia bacana sobre como proceder...confira so...
I was stuck for 48 hours in London because of the snow – what am I entitled to?
Consumers stranded in the snow have unambiguous rights. Under EU Regulation 261 airlines must offer passengers affected by flight cancellations a refund or a rerouting on the next available flight. If someone booked to travel on a flight which has been cancelled asks for a refund then the airline’s responsibility ends there. If they wait for the next available flight, the rules say airlines must provide accommodation and refreshment until the alternative flight departs. You are also entitled to two telephone calls and transport between the airport and place of accommodation.
Am I entitled to compensation?
No. Unless the delays are the fault of the airline – an engine malfunction, for example – the issue of compensation does not arise. All you will get is sufficient funds to cover “reasonable” expenses incurred as a result.
Who decides what is reasonable?
Ultimately, it is aviation regulators who determine what amounts to reasonable expenses but common sense does apply. If you check into modest accommodation and don’t splash out on lavish meals in high-end restaurants while you’re waiting for your plane to depart, then you should be covered.
It is vital passengers keep all receipts – airlines will not entertain claims if there is nothing to back it up.
How do I go about claiming back the expenses I incurred?
Send copies of all receipts to the airlines on which you were booked to fly. Never send original receipts. Include booking references, passenger names, original flight details and any new flight details.
How long will it take before I get my money back?
Thousands of people have been hit by the delays and cancellations and it is Christmas so it will take time for airlines to clear backlogs – if an airline has not made an initial response to your claim within 15 working days, contact the aviation regulator in the country where you were stranded, sending copies of all receipts along with booking references, passenger names, original flight details and new flight details.
I was stranded in Frankfurt and haven’t a clue how to contact the German regulator? And my German is rubbish too.
All regulators are accustomed to dealing with complaints and the Irish regulator will act as a postman and reroute complaints sent from Irish passengers to the relevant authorities.
I left the airport and took a train and ferry home – what do I get?
Not a lot. Because you did not go for the rerouting option and made your own way home, your contract with the airline effectively ended and it has no obligation to cover any of additional expenses incurred while you made your way home. They are, however, still obliged to provide a refund of the cost of the flight ticket.
I have travel insurance – is that any good to me.
You would think so but the answer is probably no. Most travel insurance policies have act of God get-out clauses and because this is how the snow is being viewed insurance payouts are very unlikely. It is, however, worth checking the terms and conditions just in case some cover is provided for circumstances such as these.
fonte: the irish times online
Video Natal
Musica: Fairytale of New York
Programa de hoje
A neve que está atrapalhando a vida de todos, também nos causou alguns imprevistos. O programa de hoje foi cancelado uma vez que os meios de transporte não estão funcionando normalmente. Ao invés do programa ao vivo, transmitiremos o programa onde entrevistamos o grupo irlândes Canta Brasil. Obrigado pela compreensão.
Neve atrapalha a vida na Irlanda
Video: Feliz Natal 2
Mais um ótimo video de feliz natal indicado pelo nosso parceiro Anderson, confiram e parabéns ao Cheng pela produção e a todos que participaram ..... FELIZ NATAL
Nova Lei para bagagem de quem está voltando para o Brasil
Valendo desde de 1º de Outubro de 2010, as novas regras alteraram a lista de produtos isentos de impostos na chegada e também a quantidades limite de um mesmo produto. Confira as principais mudanças:
Produtos Eletrônicos:

Para entrar como produto de uso pessoal, o passageiro deve possuir apenas uma unidade de cada produto e estar com indicações que está sendo usado (estar fora da embalagem, por exemplo). A regra não contempla filmadoras, notebooks e video games, que entrqam na cota de importação.
Roupas e cosméticos

Carrinhos de bebês e instrumentos musicais

Quantidades Limitadas

Para outros produtos a regra é 20 unidades para produtos novos com valor superior a US$ 10, desde que não haja mais de três identicos. Por exemplo, se houver 4 aparelhos novos de MP3, um deles será retido. Já para lembrancinhas e suvenires, pode-se trazer também 20 unidades de produto, sendo no máximo 10 iguais.
Ao chegar ao Brasil, ainda no avião, o passageiro deve prencher a Declaração de Bagagem Acompanhada (DBA), e informar se adquiriu produtos não isentos, e que ultrapassam o limite da cota, o qual deverá ser pago a taxa de importação de 50% sobre o excedente da cota.
Se o viajante não declarar, e ter sua mala vistoriada, em caso de encontrarem alguma irregularidade, poderá ser cobrado uma multa de 50% sobre o valor total do produto e alguns casos, o produto pode ser retido.
O portal, criou um infográfico para facilitar sua vida na hora de arrumar a mala para voltar ao Brasil, para acessá-lo clique na imagem abaixo:

Dica: Ligando barato para o Brasil
Pra quem está afim de matar a saudade do pessoal que ficou no Brasil, mas tenta e

A tecnologia VOIP é a utilizada pelo programa já mundialmente conhecido SKYPE, mas existem outros programas que usam a mesma tecnologia mas trabalham de maneira diferente, é o caso dos programas JUSTVOIP e NONOH.
Esses programas são exclusivos para ligações entre computadores com conexão de internet e telefones convencionais, enquanto o SKYPE permite que voce converse com outros computadores com internet.
O que faz programas como JUSTVOIP e NONOH interessante é como eles funcionam: em ambos, voce

Embora as telefonias de telefones celulares cobrem relativamente barato para liga

Para utilizar os programas, as regras são as mesmas de qualquer programa: donwload-instalação-inscrição de sua conta.
Para saber mais dos programas, ou obter a cópia para instalação, acesse JUST VOIP ou NONOH.
Almoco com acompanhante na faixa

Almoço Com
Acompanhante Na Copacana Grill, se cadastre e participe
Programa 15 Dezembro 2010
Para quem perdeu, ou quer conferir de novo, segue o programa da última quarta, 15-12-2010, Obrigado pela audiencia de todos...
Trailer Velozes e Furiosos gravado no Brasil
"Since Brian and Mia Toretto (Brewster) broke Dom out of custody, they’ve blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom. As they assemble their elite team of top racers, the unlikely allies know their only shot of getting out for good means confronting the corrupt businessman who wants them dead. But he’s not the only one on their tail.
Hard-nosed federal agent Luke Hobbs (Johnson) never misses his target. When he is assigned to track down Dom and Brian, he and his strike team launch an all-out assault to capture them. But as his men tear through Brazil, Hobbs learns he can’t separate the good guys from the bad. Now, he must rely on his instincts to corner his prey…before someone else runs them down first."
Previsão de mais neve
Se programe pra não ter imprevistos, confira abaixo a previsão do tempo para os próximos 10 dias, divulgado pelo site Canal do Tempo. (Clique na imagem para ampliar)

PERFIL: Chico Buarque
Son of Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, a leading historian and journalist and Maria Amelia Cesario Alvim.In 1946, he moved to Sao Paulo, where his father had assumed the direction of Ipiranga Museum. Always showed interest in music - an interest that has been strengthened by his association with intellectuals such as Vinicius de Moraes and Paulo Vanzolini.
In 1953, Sergio Buarque de Holanda was invited to teach at the University of Rome, therefore, the family moved to Italy. Chico becomes trilingual, speaking English at school and in the streets, Italian. At that time, his first "Carnival songs" are composed, and with the younger sisters, Piiizinha, Cristina and Ana, staged.Back in Brazil, produces its first chronic in the newspaper Verbâmidas of Santa Cruz college, a name coined by him. His first appearance in print was not cultural, but police, published even in the newspaper Ultima Hora, Sao Paulo. With a friend, stole a car for sightseeing by dawn Paulo, something relatively common at the time. He was arrested. "Incense stole a car: prisoners" was the headline the next day with a photo of two smaller with black bars on the eyes. Chico could no longer go out alone at night until he was 18 years.
Career Gateway
Chico Buarque came to enroll in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (FAU) in 1963. He attended two years and stopped in 1965 when he began to devote himself to his artistic career. This year, it launched Sonho de Carnaval, entered the First National Festival of Brazilian Popular Music, televised Excelsor, and Peter Mason, music key to testing how he would work the verses, with strict morphological and stylistic work politicization, more significant at the 70. The first serious composition, Cancao dos Olhos, is 1961.
Met Elis Regina, who had won the Festival of Brazilian Popular Music (1965) with the song Arrastao, but the singer gave up writing to it due to impatience with the timidity of the composer. Chico Buarque was revealed to the public when won the same festival the following year (1966), broadcast by TV Record, with A Banda, played by Nara Leão (tied for first place with Triggered by Geraldo Vandré). However, De Mello, in his book A era dos festivais - A Parable, revealed that the band won the festival. The musicologist preserved for decades the ballots of the festival. There, they set the music, the band won the competition by 7-5. Chico, to see who would win, went to the chairman of the committee and said he did not accept the defeat of Disparada. Should this happen, it would at the same time handing the award to the bidder.
On October 10, 1966, the date of the final, started the process to designate national unanimity as Chico Buarque, a nickname created by Millor Fernandes.Songs like Ela e sua janela, 1966, begin to demonstrate the lyrical side of the composer. With the observation of society, and at various times that citation of the word window is present in her first songs: Juca, Januaria, Carolina, A banda, Madalena foi pro mar went to Noel's influences can be noted in Rita, 1965 , quoted also in the letter, and Ismael Silva-ranches and in marches.
MPB Festivals in 1960
At the 1967 festival would also succeed with Roda Viva, played by him and MPB-4 group - friends and interpreters of many of their songs. In 1968 he returned to win another Festival, the Third International Song Festival of TV Globo. As a composer, in partnership with Tom Jobim, the song knew. But this time the victory was challenged by the public, who chose the song that came second: Pra nao dizer que nao falei das flores, Geraldo Vandré.
Participation in the Festival, with The Band, marked the first public appearance by presenting a great impact on the musical movement style supported urban Rio's bossa nova, appeared in 1957. Throughout his career, samba and MPB styles would also be widely exploited.
Entrevista com a banda SKINDOLL
No programa desta quarta-feira dia 08 de dezembro, nos entrevistamos uma banda mineira de rock alternativo chamdada Skindoll. A rapaziada faz um som muito da hora e ta arrebentando aki em Dublin. Para quem quiser escutar a banda ao vivo 'e so conferir toda segunda-feira la no The mezz, no temple bar... pois afinal de contas, quem disse que o Brasil produz so samba?>??
Programa de quarta