MarceloD2 new album

Marcelo D2 canta Bezerra da Silva

In the backyard of his home in Rio de Janeiro, he played with the verses of Bezerra da Silva. When a teenager, such trickery would put into practice, stalking through the night in Rio. Today, at age 42, he sings as if (again) at home. Like if the samba were his thing. But it is or not? The truth is that even he doesn`t knows. Marcelo D2, the rapper and the singer, is a fine line between the two strands of music. Since it went head first into his solo career after the end of Planet Hemp, in 2001, he was turning away more and more of spoken verse. And he was going to stride toward the samba. So it became even more famous and garnered rave reviews.

When Bezerra, mentor and center of all this change died in 2005, D2 had been searching for the perfect beat. Mixing rap with samba had officially begun two years earlier with the album In Search of the Perfect Beat. The influence of the master was there. The following year, the MTV Unplugged was released. When he received the news that Bezerra da Silva had passed away on the morning of Jan. 17,he took the first flight of the airlift Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro. Upon arriving at the Joao Caetano Theater, in downtown Rio, found Zeca Pagodinho, sat down with beer in hand. "At the funeral of sambista, is celebrated," said the colleague the rapper agreed and cheered.

There, between a story and another about the "reporter of the hill," as Bezerra was called, came the idea of doing a tribute to him. "I got this pounding in my head. You know what?". This year alone, the rapid pace of producer Leandro Sapucahy animated Marcelo D2. In May, they began to concentrate on in the vinyls Bezerra rapper / samba had at home. "First, we selected about 50 songs. Then we reduced to reach the 14 we put on record," he explains.

Marcelo D2 CD Canta Bezerra da Silva (EMI Music) compiles the great music of samba. Se Não Fosse o Samba, Quem Usa Antena É Televisão and Minha Sogra Parece Sapatão are among the chosen. The songsMalandro Rife e Malandragem Dá um Tempo seem to have been made to the voice of D2. The album is sung entirely by the rapper. The team accompanying him also is the first: Jota Moraes arrangements, Carlinhos Sete Cordas, Jerominho Marcos Fernandes and Archangel in the guitars, and Miudinho and Leandro Sapucahy in action on tambourines.

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Festa Hallowen in Tullamore!!!


No domingo, dia 24, aconteceu em Tullamore, cidade que fica aproximadamente 85 km de Dublin, a Halloween Fest, que agitou a cidade. O som ficou por conta do Grupo É Nóois e também de Ivan e seu Teclado, ainda teve comida, espetinho e o famoso caldo do Batoré! A Festa começou as 14 horas e foi ate o final da tarde no Loughrey´s Bar, e nós do SAMBA BOYS estivemos lá fazendo a cobertura completa , para voce que perdeu a oportunidade de conhecer um pouco mais da Irlanda e se divertir em um ambiente familiar, confira o video com algumas entrevistas...

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Sambaboys entrevista o embaixador Sr. Pedro Bastos

Enquanto em Tullamore, Aroldo Oliveira do Sambaboys teve a oportunidade de trocar umas palavrinhas com o nosso embaixador aqui da Irlanda. Contou-nos um pouco sobre sua trajetoria ate chear Dblin e explicou sobre uma nova cartilha desenvolvida pelo setor consular, que visa auxiliar os brasileiros que retornam ao Brasil, a se re-adaptar, orienta-los a conseguir u novo emprego.

Sr. Pedro Bastos ressalta o desenvolvimento acelerado que o Brasil vem passando, o que acarreta em boas oportunidades para aqueles que retornam da Irlanda com um curriculo melhorado. Na verdade, o que se escuta, 'e que no Brasil, ha uma carencia de profissionais qualificados, principalmente na area tecnica, como engenheiros para Petrobras, por exemplo.

Para maiores informacoes acesso o site da embaixada, clique aqui.

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SAMBABOYS+EMBAIXADA BRASILEIRA visitam destilarias na Irlanda

No domingo dia 24 de outubro, nos do sambaboys e a embaixada brasileira da Irlanda, fomos convidados a conhecer a pequena cidade no interior da Irlanda, Tullamore. Ha 50 milhas de Dublin, Tullamore 'e a terra natal do atual presidente da ilha Brian Cowen.

Mr. Pedro Fernando Bretas Bastos, sua esposa, Aroldo Oliveira e Alex Araujo

Vanildo da Apoio organizou o intinerario. Primeiro conhecemos a destilaria de Locks, que ha muito tempo vem produzindo um otimo wiskhy, depois partimos para a destilaria Tullamore Dew, marca mundialmente famosa, sinonimo da qualidade do wiskhy irlandes. Confira o video.

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programa do dia 27 de out de 2010

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Cork Jazz Festival

Aconteceu nesse final de semana prolongado, mais uma edição do Cork Jazz Festival, entre os dias 22 e 25 a cidade foi o ponto de encontro de bandas e cantores de Jazz de toda a Europa. As apresentações aconteceram em toda a cidade, dentro de Pubs e também em lugares públicos como avenidas, praças e ruas. Nós do SAMBA BOYS estivemos lá para conferir um pouco desse importante festival de musica.

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€12bn dam in Amazon jungle gets go-ahead

A CONTROVERSIAL project to build a massive hydroelectric dam in the heart of the Amazon jungle has received the go-ahead from Brazil’s environmental protection agency, despite objections from environmentalists and indigenous people who live in the area.To be built in the jungle state of Pará, the Belo Monte dam on the Xingu River will be the third largest in the world with a capacity of 11,000 megawatts, as Brazil seeks to meet rising demand for electricity from its expanding economy.

Environmentalists argue that the dam will upset the region’s delicate ecosystem, while local indigenous groups fear its construction will draw thousands of outsiders seeking work to one of Brazil’s remotest regions. Erwin Krautler, the Catholic bishop of Xingu and head of the church’s Indian missionary council, says going ahead with the dam would have “unforeseeable consequences” among the region’s indigenous people. “These people will cry, they will shout, they will rise up,” he warned.

In 2008, local Native Americans attacked an engineer from Brazil’s state electricity company after he gave a lecture to them on the proposed dam, ripping off his shirt before cutting him with machetes. Brazil’s environment minister Carlos Minc, announcing approval of the €12 billion dam, admitted there was deep hostility to such projects, telling reporters: “Every hydroelectric plant is a war. The government wants them all [approved] and environmentalists want none.”

But he said Belo Monte would help Brazil in its quest to reduce carbon emissions. Latin America’s largest economy gets almost four-fifths of its electricity from hydroelectric plants. The minister also said the original plan for a string of four dams flooding an area of 1,500sq km had been scaled back on environmental grounds: “This would have made life in the region unviable. Now it will be one dam flooding 500sq km.” He insisted no indigenous peoples living on reservations would be among the estimated 12,000 people who will have to move because of the artificial lake the dam will create.

Belo Monte has been a cherished dream of Brazilian governments since it was first proposed in the 1970s during the country’s military dictatorship, when the generals made development of the world’s largest rainforest a national priority. In 2008, the current centre-left government announced a multi-billion-euro package of investment in the region’s infrastructure, including dams, roads and gas pipelines. Labelled the Sustainable Amazon Plan, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said the projects would be subject to rigorous environmental standards.

But environmentalists argue that such large works would inevitably attract economic development and population migration to a region already under sustained threat from loggers and cattle ranchers. In 2007, Mr Lula, frustrated at the delays faced by projects such as Belo Monte, restructured the environmental protection agency in order to try and speed up the rate at which it issues environmental licences. The move provoked criticism from environmental campaigners and led to a strike by agency workers.

In 2008, Mr Minc’s predecessor Marina Silva resigned as minister after she was denied responsibility for managing the Sustainable Amazon Plan, which was instead given to a minister who was a critic of the slow rate at which her ministry approved major public works in the Amazon. Ms Silva is now planning to run for the Green Party in October’s presidential elections.

fonte: iristhtimes

amazon destruction

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The Dublin wheel

The Wheel of Dublin, a 60 metre tall observation wheel is set to become one of the city's leading tourist attractions and will offer unparalleled views across the city taking in Croke Park and The Aviva Stadium and stretching as far as the Dublin Mountains, The Four Courts and Howth Head.

Sited beside The O2 and part of the Point Village development The Wheel of Dublin will be operated by World Tourist Attractions. Tickets will be €9 per person for the 13 minute trip. Group and family discounts will be available. The capsules are accessible to people with wheelchairs.

The wheel will be operating from 10am until 10pm Monday to Sunday.

See below for pricing:

Adults € 9.00
Senior citizens/Students € 7.00
Children 4-16 € 6.50
Children 1-3 € 1.00
Infant under 1 Free
Family Ticket € 23.00

Private Capsule € 55.00
VIP Capsule € 75.00
VIP with champagne € 95.00

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Programa do dia 20 de out de 2010

Capoeira, dicas para o final de semana, Tullamore, Odeon com sorteio de um ano de curso e muito mais!!! Confira o programa dessa quarta-feira que teve participacao especial de Dorothe, uma alema que trabalha na radio e prometeu dar dicas sobre onde encontra comunidade alema em Dublin, no proximo programa.

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Quer GANHAR um curso de renovação GRÁTIS???

Tá pensando no que vai fazer no domingo????

Que tal comer uma deliciosa feijoada, barata, curtindo um bom Samba-Rock, e de quebra sair com um curso de um ano de renovação totalmente na faixa???

Nós do Samba Boys e a escola BCT Institute vamos sortear um curso de um ano para renovação, totalmente grátis. Para participar é fácil, é só se cadastrar no formulário abaixo e comparecer na grande festa que vai acontecer nesse domingo, dia 24, no The Odeon, a partir das 8:00 pm. Com entrada Free, voce ainda vai curtir o samba-rock do grupo +55 e poderá também se saborear com uma deliciosa feijoada por um preço especial, para isso basta pegar um cupom de desconto com os representantes da escola. O sorteio será só entre os que estiverem presente, não perca!

Curso de renovação BCT Institute, se cadastre e participe


E-mail para contato*:


Escola atual*:

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As Bruxas estão chegando em Tullamore

No próximo domingo, dia 24, acontece em Tullamore, cidade que ficr aproximadamente 85 km de Dublin, a Halloween Fest, que vai agitar a cidade. O Som vai ficar por conta do Grupo É Nóois e também de Ivan e seu Teclado, ainda vai ter comida, espetinho e o famoso caldo do Batoré! A Festa começa a partir das 14 horas e vai ser no Loughrey´s Bar, e nós do SAMBA BOYS estaremos lá fazendo a cobertura completa pra voce, não perca a oportunidade de conhecer um pouco mais da Irlanda e se divertir em um ambiente familiar, borá lá!! Mais informações pelo telefone 087 3201957 com Vanildo ou 087 9473813 com Batore

Sobre a cidade

Tullamore é uma cidade com aproximadamente 15 000 habitantes, com uma forte característca industrial, uma das grandes marcas da cidade é o Whiskie Irlandês Tullamore Dew,vendido desde 1829 e um dos mais conhecidos na Irlanda e no exterior. Entre os moradores famosos de Tullamore, está o atual primeiro ministro irlandês Brian Cowen.

Historicamente, Tullamore é parte do primeiro processo se colonização inglesa do Sec.XVI, e já foi também campo de batalha durante as Guerras Napoleônicas.

Para Chegar

A melhor opção para quem não é de Tullamore mas não quer perder a festa, é ir pra lá de trem, a Irish Rail, tem vários horários de saídas a partir das estações de Dublin, o tempo de viagem é de aproximadamente uma hora. Para saber informações e preços clique aqui.

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Perfil: Seu Jorge

Seu Jorge was born on July 8th, 1970. He is a Brazilian musician, composer, and actor. Born Jorge Mário da Silva, he was raised in a favela in the city of Belford Roxo in the Baixada Fluminense region of Rio de Janeiro state. His fans consider him a renewer of Brazilian samba-style pop. He credits his influences as the samba school Estação Primeira de Mangueira, composers Nelson Cavaquinho and Zeca Pagodinho, along with footballer Romário and American soul singer Stevie Wonder.

As a singer, Seu Jorge was part of the band Farofa Carioca, composing most of the songs of their 1998 debut album Moro no Brasil. In 2001 he released Samba Esporte Fino, a pop album influenced by the likes of Jorge Ben Jor, Gilberto Gil, and Milton Nascimento. It was released outside Brazil under the name Carolina in 2003. His second album, the critically acclaimed Cru ("Raw"), was released in 2005.

Seu Jorge has gained exposure through his work as an actor and soundtrack composer. He appeared in the critically acclaimed film City of God as Mané Galinha, and then played Pelé Dos Santos in Wes Anderson's The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, for which he provided much of the soundtrack in the form of Portuguese language cover versions of David Bowie classics.

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TROPICALIA, a revolutionary art/music/politc brazilian moviment from late 60`s.....

Sambaboys keep showing that Brazil is not just samba and bossa nova, but a million of diferent of music genre and today we gonna introduce you the TROPICALIA, a rich movement from the late of 60`s. A counter-culture, anti-opression music, was created like a weapon against the system that brazilian people was under on the military years of fear and opression.
Tropicália was not only a musical movement at its inception. It also took form in the visual arts scene of 1960s Brazil, by the hands of the artists Hélio Oiticica, Emerson Adriano Catarina, Lygia Clark, Rogério Duprat, and Antonio Dias. The name Tropicália came from a Hélio Oiticica art installation of the same name. It is important to note that one of the cultural constructs of the Tropicália movement was antropofagia, or the cultural and musical cannibalism of all societies, taking in influences from all genres and concocting something unique. The concept of antropofagia, as embraced by the Tropicália movement, was created by poet Oswald de Andrade in his Manifesto Antropófago (Cannibal Manifesto), published in 1928.

Owing its roots to musical tolerance and innovation, the arrival of Tropicália on the Brazilian music scene began in the 1960s. The 1968 collaboration album Tropicália: ou Panis et Circencis is largely considered the musical manifesto of the movement, initially led by Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil. The two, along with other artists commonly associated with the movement, experimented with unusual time signatures and other means of unorthodox song structures. Politically, the album expressed revolt against the coup of 1964. Indeed, politically engaged lyrics and artistic forms of activism drove much of the movement following the coup of 1964, much like its contemporary Brazilian film movement, Cinema Novo.

Despite its success, the movement lasted few years, its influence on Brazilian music, however, was broad and far-reaching. Its initial leaders, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, were incarcerated by the military government over the political content of their work. After two months, Veloso and Gil were released and exiled to London by the military government, where they lived until 1972. "Others in the Tropicalismo movement were less fortunate; several underwent torture or were forced into 'psychiatric care'. One tropicalista, the lyricist and poet Torquato Neto, committed suicide after such treatment"[2]. Although Gil and Veloso were exiled from Brazil for four years, they were eventually able to continue their careers in Europe.

Despite being short-lived, the Tropicália movement would be honored later in 1985 when its 20 year legacy and Brazil's return to a democratic government coincided. In 1993, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, released the CD Tropicália 2 for celebrating 25 years of the movement and its importance to the Brazilian history, as sort of nostalgic remembrance of their earlier experiments.[3]. Actually, many years since its inception, Tropicália and its pioneers continue to be cited by musicians of the whole world as sources of musical creativity and inspiration.

Although it originally attained little notice outside of Brazil, Tropicalismo and its associated artists have a growing popularity, and has been cited as an influence by rock musicians such as David Byrne, Beck, Kurt Cobain, Arto Lindsay, Devendra Banhart, El Guincho, Of Montreal and Nelly Furtado. In 1998, Beck released Mutations, the title of which is a tribute to one of Tropicalismo pioneers, Os Mutantes. Its hit single, "Tropicalia", reached number 21 on the Billboard Modern Rock singles chart.

In 2002 Caetano Veloso published an account of the Tropicália movement, Tropical Truth: A Story of Music and Revolution in Brazil. The 1999 compilation Tropicália Essentials, featuring songs by Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa, Tom Zé, and Os Mutantes, is an introduction to the style. Other compilations include Tropicalia: Millennium (1999), Tropicalia: Gold (2002), and Novo Millennium: Tropicalia (2005). Yet another compilation, Tropicalia: A Brazilian Revolution In Sound, was released to acclaim in 2006.

fonte: wikipedia

Brasil, Brasil - Tropicalia Revolution - BBC - 1

Brasil, Brasil - Tropicalia Revolution - BBC - 2

To watch all documentary Brasil Brasil - Tropicalia Revolution, look up on youtube and watch it all.

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