Brazilians spend a lot when travelling!

Brazilian tourists abroad spent $ 4.72 billion in the first quarter of this year. Only in march, we left US$ 1.65 billion in foreign lands. The values ​​were 41.3% above those recorded in the first quarter of 2010, when the expenses of Brazilians abroad got $ 3.34 billion, and 47% compared to $ 1.12 billion spent in March 2010.

Late last month, the government increased from 2.38% to 6.38% the rate of the IOF (Tax on Financial Operations) charged to credit card purchases abroad. The measure, however, entered into force on march 28 and still have little reflection on the data released by the Central Bank.

And when we are spending like crazy, the investment from gringos in Brazil falls in march.
Current account deficit reached U.S. $ 5.67 billion in march. Foreigns in Brazil, this year, left $ 630 million in March and $ 1.79 billion in the first quarter.

fonte: folha de sao paulo

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