Serie: Brazilian artists in Ireland

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Is well-know that have a lot of brazilian people living in Ireland, studying, travelling, having fun. Loads of brazilian partys happening around the town and a lot of culture from the Bossa Nova homeland has been showed around the island. So we, from Sambaboys, decided to do a serie about the artists living here in Ireland. Musicians, painters, actors and brazilian photographers are some of the professionals enjoying the life over here.

We allready did a lot of interviews with musicians that plays or had played over here, like Bianca Fachel, Robson Rocha, Carlinhos Cruz and loads of others and world wide famous like Marcelo D2. So we gonna start with a very special person, loved for all those who has a chance to talk with her. Juh Borghi, photographer and `intercambista`.

Juliana Borghi, was born in PresidentePrudente, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Always much involved in photography, got her first camera when she completed 20 years old, very happy for start to register what her eyes was seeing. But the passion grew even more in college (she studied advertising) where she improved her skills with the machine and learned more techniques. Worked with marketing for 1 year, then pursued a career as a web designer for 4 years working for companys and as a freelancer as welld, eveloped her knowledge further getting expert in photographing softwares as Illustrator, Photoshop and Adobe Flash.

Today at age 26, she has been living in Dublin for over one year now. Left Brazil with the aim of seeking new experiences, cultures, improve her English and find nice places that just Ireland can provide to make new photographs.

To contact Juh Borghi for further info about photografer work:

Phone 087-0905050

email is

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