More billionaires between BRIC than in Europe

How are ya????

The called BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - have become a 'factory of billionaires', says a report in British newspaper Financial Times on Thursday, yesterday. The text reports the latest list of billionaires from Forbes magazine, which have 30 Brazilians, among them businessman Eike Batista, number eight in the ranking.

The BRIC countries today have 301 billionaires, one more than Europe, and 108 more than last year. They are gettin closer to U.S.A, which still leads the list of billionaires, with 413. But just that is already AMAZING, like my chines friend woud say. The director of Forbes magazine Steve Forbes, said that the global billionaires this year reflect what is happening in the global economy. The total number of billionaires in the world has exceeded 1 200 and a record this year.

The highlight of Latin America is Brazil, which has the largest number of billionaires in Latin America, Our country has become over the 8 years of ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in a strong stage of investment, both domestic and external. The report highlights the views of the 'Forbes', for whom the facilitation of investment rules and improving the standards of transparency gave confidence to investors interested in Brazil.

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