Barack Obama is in Brazil.

Whats the story????

The USA presidente, Barack Obama arrived in Brazil with his family to discust importants sbjects, betwee business, economy, education.

He said that the choose of Brazil to be the most important friendship in south america was not an accident, said that we are example to how to drive a country to the real economic situation of the world, and said that this 200years old relationship is gonna be better and better. However, Brazil-USA had some issues in the last years, some economics and another about diplomatic diferent points of view about Iraq, Iran subjetc.

Brazil always was a country that believe that the war is not the best way to deal with the problems in the world, and Lula,ex-brazilian president, was very good on this. USA now is not the biggest partner of Brazil in bussiness, place tooked by China, but still a very important allyed of Brazil in the bussines plan.

The thing is that Barack has something of Lula inside him, he is very charismatc and has some common ideas. He visited the Cidade de Deus (City of god) and played soccer with a poor boy and said thats he was very regreat to not be there on carnaval, but gonna try to come next year.

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